June 30, 2010- Clif High at HalfPastHuman.com:
Tick...tick...tick - Israeli Mistake, Confusion, and a chart

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

George Ure's UrbanSurvival.com | Summer of Hell and More Quakes Ahead - March 9, 2010

WEB BOT Clif High
From Clif High:

"The Shape of Things to Come, Issue 4 - Postponed.
Sorry, again universe intrudes."

Some news from Web Bot George Ure's UrbanSurvival.com today:
(Read his website for all his news)

Summer of Hell

Remember the linguistics about this time a year ago about the 'summer of hell'? Looking to me more and more like we may have been a year early on that call. The good news was we didn't really get it last year, but the bad news is that when predictive linguistics show something more than a year ahead of time, it's generally as bad as the linguistics - or worse.

So, it's with a certain sense of trepidation that I noticed Jane's (of Defence publications) is talking about "Greece bracers for a hot summer of discontent."

Looks like the 'revolution' meme will be spreading globally since so many people are still blind to the real up/down (or have/have-not) paradigm, and still buy into the flagrantly absurd notion of right/left political freedom, strictly controlled by the two major parties that eat 99% of what's at the corporate trough.

Everyone's a Terrorist?

A recent Paul Joseph Watson article "Pentagon Shooting: Now Everyone's a terrorist"...subhead: Birther, truther, drug war critic, tea partier, libertarian, liberal – any and all dissent is “violent extremism" is a must read.

One upon a time, America used to honor dissent. Now, we moving to jail it.

Am I kidding? Read the "Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010" and get back to me. The key concept is if you're considered an 'enemy belligerent' you no longer have rights. Which I guess takes them out of 'rights' and puts them into privileges" doesn't it?

More Quakes Ahead

A reader wants to know:

"Hey George,

How come you have not been talking about all the oddities with the sun recently?? There is another filament which may cause a Hyder flare if it collapses and there are strange radio waves going across the sun as well?

I am FAR from any type of expert on this but from what I am reading these things are very rare!!! Maybe you could comment on this?

Not much to say: You have the link to www.spaceweather.com and I assume you know the Chilean quake followed a Hyder filament collapse by a few days...and I assume you have seen the USGS site? And you know a Chilean city moved 10-feet in the last one?

Linguistically, we're not even halfway through the quake damage/headlines/fears due over the balance of the year...so all things in time and I'm in no hurry for 4-5 more Great Quakes, thanks.

Don't wanna be repetitious...just not worried about another Great Quake for another week or so...that should give the filaments time to collapse and flares to pop out...even that's no timing guarantee, however.

From Clif High: "Sorry, have to cancel interviews. Maybe later in 2010."

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