Interview today with George Ure on Beyond the Ordinary
File Name: 10-06-24_BTOL_GeorgeUre.mp3
File Size is 9.04MB
Format: MP3 11025Hz 24Kbps Mono CBR
Recorded at 12PM Pacific time, Ads & Breaks removed.
Last 15mins of the show closed with a Bang, great interview.
Tick...tick...tick - Israeli Mistake, Confusion, and a chart
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
7-26-10 Coast To Coast AM interview with Clif High:
Friday, June 25, 2010
2010-06-24 Rense Radio Program Recording with Clif High
File Name: 10-06-24_Rense_Clif High.mp3File Size is 13.6MB
Run Time: 1h:18m:53s
Format: MP3 11025Hz 24Kbps Mono CBR
Thursday, June 24, 2010
2010-06-24 BTO Live Program Recording with George Ure
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Interview Clif High - April 20, 2010 - OneRadioNetwork w/Patrick Timpone interview of Clif High April 20th, 2010. 1h:16m:36s interview recorded in MP3 format @ 11025Hz 24Kbps CBR Mono, File Size: 13.1MB Note: 2 sections of program joined, breaks & ads removed, MP3Tag set & transcoded to format. |
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Special Update from
New ALTA/Shape of Things To Come Report
First Cliff at has in the past few minutes released a new "Shape of Things to Come" report (#4) - his first since last December 9th. If you have $10 bucks and want a good overview of what's maybe coming down the road towards us (humans) as presaged by shifts in language, then go read the report ....
Thursday, March 11, 2010
From George Ure this Thurs morning: A request to visit UrbanSurvival tomorrow Friday March 12th after 10 AM Central Time
DTN/The Progressive Farmer | World Corn Surplus Still Shrinking
World corn production and stocks are higher, according to USDA's latest reports, but the stocks-to-use ratio shows the surplus is shrinking. That may bolster U.S. corn prices as the market tries to buy more acres...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 | Several thousand union members protest outside parliament on Friday in central Athens

George Ure's | Summer of Hell and More Quakes Ahead - March 9, 2010
WEB BOT Clif High |
From Clif High: "The Shape of Things to Come, Issue 4 - Postponed. Sorry, again universe intrudes." Some news from Web Bot George Ure's today: (Read his website for all his news) Summer of Hell Remember the linguistics about this time a year ago about the 'summer of hell'? Looking to me more and more like we may have been a year early on that call. The good news was we didn't really get it last year, but the bad news is that when predictive linguistics show something more than a year ahead of time, it's generally as bad as the linguistics - or worse.
So, it's with a certain sense of trepidation that I noticed Jane's (of Defence publications) is talking about "Greece bracers for a hot summer of discontent."
Looks like the 'revolution' meme will be spreading globally since so many people are still blind to the real up/down (or have/have-not) paradigm, and still buy into the flagrantly absurd notion of right/left political freedom, strictly controlled by the two major parties that eat 99% of what's at the corporate trough.
Everyone's a Terrorist? A recent Paul Joseph Watson article "Pentagon Shooting: Now Everyone's a terrorist"...subhead: Birther, truther, drug war critic, tea partier, libertarian, liberal – any and all dissent is “violent extremism" is a must read.
One upon a time, America used to honor dissent. Now, we moving to jail it.
Am I kidding? Read the "Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010" and get back to me. The key concept is if you're considered an 'enemy belligerent' you no longer have rights. Which I guess takes them out of 'rights' and puts them into privileges" doesn't it? More Quakes Ahead A reader wants to know:
Not much to say: You have the link to and I assume you know the Chilean quake followed a Hyder filament collapse by a few days...and I assume you have seen the USGS site? And you know a Chilean city moved 10-feet in the last one?
Linguistically, we're not even halfway through the quake damage/headlines/fears due over the balance of the all things in time and I'm in no hurry for 4-5 more Great Quakes, thanks.
Don't wanna be repetitious...just not worried about another Great Quake for another week or so...that should give the filaments time to collapse and flares to pop out...even that's no timing guarantee, however.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Clif has posted that he has 'postponed' The Shape of Things to Come, Issue 4

From George Ure's this Thursday morning (Feb 18 2010):
Web Bot Run Delayed
Yes, the spiders are out gathering data. However, due to Universe intrudes, the "Shape of Things to Come, Issue 4" which had been planned for March 21st or so has been put on hold indefinitely.
The delay is not due to anything dark, murky, or anything like that. Cliff's got and agenda - a good snapshot of what's ahead is in the December 2009 report, and the pressing issues have to do with preps of the sort one can't just write a check for.
For now, the Shape Of Things To Come/ rickety time machine project report from December should get you enough of a picture of what's out there that we're focused on things like personal health, gardens, and see why Universe's intrusions (now and pending) are so important to address.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
From George Ure's this Tuesday Morning:
From George Ure's this Tuesday Morning:
At the macro level, there's a serious problem in the data from Cliff that's got me nervous, clock watching, and not at all pleased: The event(stream) that people associate with December 2012 may not take that long to get here. Could be coming along in October of 2011...and impacting over a 1-3 week kind of timeline, then bouncing along in bumps (with kind of flat plateaus to them) at a lot level until spring'ish of 2012 and then the data pretty much disappears for a year before trickling back online but at much reduced levels 2013-2014.
This is not to be confused with packets of data. There's no way to sense that. People (esp. with monkey mind active) want to assign hard numeric values, but that's not how 'squishy stuff' works. Instead the question is how long after the 'quiet' does language return?
The data has pretty much always had the 'gap' out in this period ahead - from 2000 it looks like a 2012 event and a mid 2013 kind of return. Then in 2007 it looks like the gap was moving bigger as we got closer to it, shaping to before the much ballyhooed December. But the key things is the far side of the gap moved back significantly.
Then in post processing Cliff's been noodling (and understandably pretty depressed about) the 'gap' have moved closer to present (hence Oct 2011) while the far side has moved back even further, 2014-2015.
There's no way to tear the data part for any greater number of clues. Could be any one of a number of suspects that causes what seems like a temporary collapse/decline and then partial recovery of humans. Among the candidates are pole shift/axis shift (5-20ยบ will ruin your day), could be the Middle East finally lets loose and we have a global nuclear free-for-all, or it could be that's when the food shortages kick in. Maybe a genetic war breaks out, or possibly something completely out of left field. Volcanic calderas in Indonesia, New Zealand, and Long Lake/Yellowstone can't be overlooked.
Toss in the linguistics about 1-billion involved in diaspora by year's end in Asia and 220-million in North America and the future doesn't look like a particularly warm &Y inviting place, (and here's the point): no matter how much paper money you have.
A friend of mine called yesterday and asked "What if you guys are wrong?" I told him the odds of that would go up dramatically IF we don't have another 'great quake' before mid September. If we don't get another 'great quake' I'd become downright sanguine about things. But the gnawing in the gut says "No, you'd be a fool to wait since as soon as any triggers happen, if will be too late..."
Even the market structures which would seem like a no-brainer offer little solace. Sure, my little satchel of puts I've been buying would be theoretically worth a ton of dough if the financial system is down for the count by November of this year. But the problem is what? That we won't have organized markets to clear positions; such is the magnitude of change ahead.
"Let me guess: The PTB finally get their Club of Rome goal of 500-million left?" asked my friend.
Can't put a number on it, but the data has enough dead people in it to make Haiti look like a resort within two years.
I'm not easily depressed, and even now I don't sense it. Instead there's a real looming sense of "Lifetime piling up" and "I can hear the people screaming..."
I've asked Cliff six ways to Sunday the BIG question: Can we deconvolute the data to gain any meaningful insight into what it means? Is there any aspect of the language that changes in a meaningful way that could offer insight? Does one language arise? Are certain archetypes changed - like human's relation to weather, water or food? Obvious stuff but no, the web bots don't work that way and to retool them is a monumentally large programming effort - and event then no assurance that the data would mean anything.
So here we sit: Lifetimes piling up. Trying our best to live 'normal' lifetimes' amidst indications in some sketchy software and a half-shake of science that things will be making a violent change within a couple of years.
In terms of 'prep' I have figured out it's the little things that will 'get you' - like my glasses broke this morning. One more thing goes on my list...more glasses. If this morning's report seems a little different, it's because I'm doing some squinty-eyed reading and writing. The Big Stuff is obvious, but how many pairs of glasses or how many back-ups for the contacts - or how much contact clearer to you have stockpiled?
Dug out the spare glasses, but they are bifocal, not tri-focal, so I have my head tilted by to look down the nose at my own work...
Universe has to be laughing, not matter what the 'current plan', there's always something overlooked. Or is this to remind me that bifocals will be all that's needed, since what's in store for us...let's not go there.
Friday, January 15, 2010
George Ure's | Another Linguistic Note - 6 Great Earthquakes to Come

13:15 - Another Linguistic Note
Six Great Quakes to Come
Had a chance to chat with Cliff briefly today about the predictive linguistics and what's ahead for the balance of this year. For one thing, he's had time to look at the data again and nope, although Haiti is a terrible mess, and there's some linguistic fill beginning which could link 'diaspora' to the Haiti quake, a review of the data says no, the diaspora/people moving about due to changing circumstances really is 220-million.
True, there's some linkage of Canada and fast-track immigration for refugees, and the rising use of the term 'diaspora', but there's a lot more to be worried about later this year.
The problem is that as we look at the data, there are at least six great quakes due during calendar 2010 and possibly many more. After six, we stopped looking - not a pretty sight. We assume you know a 'great' quake is one with magnitude 8.0 or larger, but in a social sense, Haiti is a 'great' quake based on extreme loss of life.
From the period (approximately) July 7th onward, the data features six clusters of data that will be larger than the global horror that followed the 2004 tsunami. And - sad to report - the data suggests that 220-million will be moving around just on the [american continent] which means additional quakes can be expected this year of larger magnitude including some hints that one will be on the US West coast.
Among the problems with predictive linguistics technology is that it's not precise. How people use language is drifty on a good day. Although the US quake(s) seems to be California'ish, it could be as far north as Vancouver Island. Such is the imprecision of the data. No, can't narrow it down to the Long Valley caldera, Yellowstone, or something as simple as that.
What is clear is that our 'context shift' is 'terra entity', we can't offer any further insight except to say that the data also suggests that by the end of this year, we may see more than a billion people involved in diaspora else; particularly India/Pakistan/China and there are some indications that dislocated people will stream north toward Siberia/Mongolia as a result.
You might ask "Why wasn't this in the Shape of Things to Come report? Fair question: not trying to hide anything...remember, though, we've been saying for the past 9-months (roughly, could be longer) that looking into the data from late 2009 onward for quake activity was pretty much pointless. Gets to be too much. Our accuracy is occasionally very good with isolated near-great quakes like our call on the May 2008 China event, but even if we had been translated into mandarin prior to the May 'wedding quake', would it have modified anyone's behavior or saved lives? Likely not.
Add to that the problems we had sorting out the 'print through" on the Lacey Peterson trial/Redwood City (Sept. 2004) quake which preceded the Dec. 2004 tsunami? The Peterson trial was interrupted by the Redwood City quake and some linguistics (courthouse emptied) were fulfilled, ;leavings us to scratch our heads and pondering "Damn...where's the land driven back to previous age, 200-thousand dead and all that language?" Showed up - all right - about 120 days later.
All of which is not supposed to make you feel better - or worse- about what's ahead in the second half of this year - our timing sucks when there gets to be overlap, print-through, and multiple images of the same thing. Go look at how clear the Wedding Quake hit was before and after the event. (Scroll down to the May 12, 2008 entry "Oh, THAT Quake...)
So whether we get a half dozen seven-oh's this year with huge loss of life or a series of 8's and larger is really outside the scope of this project. Not much anyone can do about it, except have food, water, seeds and a mindset that will allow you to start over and prosper under the most adverse adverse conditions imaginable which by year-end maybe upwards 1.4-billion people will experience..
Best we hope for is to be wrong and it will be media buzz only - always hard to distinguish from physical/objective reality. Our fishing grounds are internet fora, which oh, by the way, may go down in late summer as a global phenomena. So yeah, in addition to working on his survival pod-boat, Cliff's looking at a satellite-based internet system.
Mine's been in for a couple of years seeing this period coming. Oh, might want to mark down your home/residence's lat/lon by GPS and keep it handy for a couple of years. If it starts changing outside the 2DRMS error of SA(ASM if you're in green), it'll be time to gear up.
Why, I bet hardly any of your friends noticed the proximity of Haiti's quake to the news stories about how the "Earth's magnetic north pole marching toward Siberia at 37 miles per year" did they ....
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
George Ure on Beyond the Ordinary - January 12, 2009 - mp3
22KHz, 32Kbps, CBR mono MP3 file format
0h:53m Show Runtime w/no ads. 12.0MB's
3 Download sites:
Monday, January 4, 2010
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
George Ure on Rense Radio 12-28-09 mp3
22KHz, 32Kbps, CBR mono MP3 file format
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Clif High on WMBR MIT Student Radio - Dec 21, 2009 - 4 part YouTube
31m Show Runtime no news or ads. 7.2MB's
Friday, December 18, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
USGS steals Clif High (of Web Bot's Expression of "ILL WINDS"
Thursday, November 5, 2009
11-4-09 - Clif High on Smoke and Mirrors with Jay Weidner
Parts 1-3:
Parts 3-6:
2012 Jay Weidner + Clif High 1 of 6
2012 Jay Weidner + Clif High 2 of 6
2012 Jay Weidner + Clif High 3 of 6
2012 Jay Weidner + Clif High 4 of 6
2012 Jay Weidner + Clif High 5 of 6
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
11-3-09 Clif High on Rense Radio - Special Show "The Raven Weeps"
Tonight's "2012 Special" show on Jeff Rense Radio for 11/3/09
Direct link (Right-click and select "Save Link/Target As...)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
October 14, 2009 - Interview with Clif High on Conscious Media Network
Sometimes, it's good to be aware of The Shape of Things to Come, even if it is from a report generated by a program that collates the language of our universal unconscious. Clif High (yes that is meamt to be with one 'f'), talks for over an hour with Regina about his background, his original purpose and current methodologies and what the data is revealing to him.
To learn more about BioIntensives, mentioned in the interview, go to
To learn more about Clif High and order a current Web Bot report, go to
Saturday, October 31, 2009
10-31-09 - Clif High on Lance the Zany Mystic on BBS Radio mp3
or: Clif High on A Fireside Chat hosted by Lance White "The Zany Mystic"
Direct link (Right-click and select "Save Link/Target As...)
Here's a link to the article Clif mentions by Ian Lungold:
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
10-27-09 - Clif High on Beyond the Ordinary
Here is a direct link. (Right-click and "Save Link/Target As...)
And a backup link:
Sunday, October 25, 2009
10-24-09 - Unedited Version: The Urban survivalist Show - Host Shane Richardson - special guest is George Ure (YouTube)
George Ure on The Urban Survivalist Show 10-25-2009 - unaired (12.54MB)
YouTube links:
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
MESSAGE FROM CLIF HIGH - Web Bot | Radio Special with Jeff Rense on Tuesday November 3, 2009

Radio Special with Jeff Rense on Tuesday November 3, 2009 from 8 to 10pm Pacific