2010-06-24 Rense Radio Program Recording with Clif High
File Name: 10-06-24_Rense_Clif High.mp3File Size is 13.6MB
Run Time: 1h:18m:53s
Format: MP3 11025Hz 24Kbps Mono CBR
Interview today with George Ure on Beyond the Ordinary
File Name: 10-06-24_BTOL_GeorgeUre.mp3
File Size is 9.04MB
Format: MP3 11025Hz 24Kbps Mono CBR
Recorded at 12PM Pacific time, Ads & Breaks removed.
Last 15mins of the show closed with a Bang, great interview.
Courtesy of: http://www.ksfo.com/Article.asp?id=534876
hour 1 http://bayradio.com/ksfo_archives/30000.mp3