June 30, 2010- Clif High at HalfPastHuman.com:
Tick...tick...tick - Israeli Mistake, Confusion, and a chart

Friday, November 20, 2009

USGS steals Clif High (of HalfPastHuman.com) Web Bot's Expression of "ILL WINDS"

USGS | From Toxic Dust and Algae to Ill Winds From Africa

...It’s an ill wind that blows: African dust making it across the ocean: Increasing quantities of African dust have blown across the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean and Americas over the past few decades. During that time, the dust’s composition has changed. In this study, African dust air masses in Africa and the Caribbean were analyzed for persistent organic contaminants and metals. These potentially toxic contaminants can originate from the burning of plastics, biomass and waste; widespread use of pesticides, plastics, and pharmaceuticals; and increased industrialization. Multiple pesticides and other contaminants, including carcinogens, suppressors of immune systems, disruptors of endocrine systems, and nervous system or liver toxins were identified from all sample sites. All are known to persist in the environment, accumulate in organisms, and are toxic at very low concentrations. This study, Chasing clouds of dust: transoceanic transport of synthetic organic pollutants and trace metals with African dust, will be presented on Nov. 22 at 11 a.m. in Ballroom D...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

11-3-09 Clif High on Rense Radio - Special Show "The Raven Weeps"

Graphics for the Special Show, "The Raven Weeps" Nov 3rd, will be found on his announcement page:


Tonight's "2012 Special" show on Jeff Rense Radio for 11/3/09

Direct link (Right-click and select "Save Link/Target As...)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

October 14, 2009 - Interview with Clif High on Conscious Media Network


Sometimes, it's good to be aware of The Shape of Things to Come, even if it is from a report generated by a program that collates the language of our universal unconscious. Clif High (yes that is meamt to be with one 'f'), talks for over an hour with Regina about his background, his original purpose and current methodologies and what the data is revealing to him.

To learn more about BioIntensives, mentioned in the interview, go to http://www.growbiointensive.org/

To learn more about Clif High and order a current Web Bot report, go to www.halfpasthuman.com