June 30, 2010- Clif High at HalfPastHuman.com:
Tick...tick...tick - Israeli Mistake, Confusion, and a chart

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

George Ure on Rense Radio 12-28-09 mp3

Latest show w/George Ure, Rense Radio interview 12-28-2009
22KHz, 32Kbps, CBR mono MP3 file format

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Some of us are too poor for the $10 ... This will be Clif's last Alta Report.

Friday, November 20, 2009

USGS steals Clif High (of HalfPastHuman.com) Web Bot's Expression of "ILL WINDS"

USGS | From Toxic Dust and Algae to Ill Winds From Africa

...It’s an ill wind that blows: African dust making it across the ocean: Increasing quantities of African dust have blown across the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean and Americas over the past few decades. During that time, the dust’s composition has changed. In this study, African dust air masses in Africa and the Caribbean were analyzed for persistent organic contaminants and metals. These potentially toxic contaminants can originate from the burning of plastics, biomass and waste; widespread use of pesticides, plastics, and pharmaceuticals; and increased industrialization. Multiple pesticides and other contaminants, including carcinogens, suppressors of immune systems, disruptors of endocrine systems, and nervous system or liver toxins were identified from all sample sites. All are known to persist in the environment, accumulate in organisms, and are toxic at very low concentrations. This study, Chasing clouds of dust: transoceanic transport of synthetic organic pollutants and trace metals with African dust, will be presented on Nov. 22 at 11 a.m. in Ballroom D...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

11-3-09 Clif High on Rense Radio - Special Show "The Raven Weeps"

Graphics for the Special Show, "The Raven Weeps" Nov 3rd, will be found on his announcement page:


Tonight's "2012 Special" show on Jeff Rense Radio for 11/3/09

Direct link (Right-click and select "Save Link/Target As...)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

October 14, 2009 - Interview with Clif High on Conscious Media Network


Sometimes, it's good to be aware of The Shape of Things to Come, even if it is from a report generated by a program that collates the language of our universal unconscious. Clif High (yes that is meamt to be with one 'f'), talks for over an hour with Regina about his background, his original purpose and current methodologies and what the data is revealing to him.

To learn more about BioIntensives, mentioned in the interview, go to http://www.growbiointensive.org/

To learn more about Clif High and order a current Web Bot report, go to www.halfpasthuman.com

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

MESSAGE FROM CLIF HIGH - Web Bot | Radio Special with Jeff Rense on Tuesday November 3, 2009

Radio Special with Jeff Rense on Tuesday November 3, 2009 from 8 to 10pm Pacific
Warning: Adults ONLY! Must be over 30/thirty to listen to this show, though we will not card you. Information relates to 2012, and not the Oct. 25 through November 5th, 2009 forecast. Please check back at this page on November 3, 2009 at 8pm for supplemental material to accompany the discussion on the Jeff Rense show. No children, not for those with mental instability. No Bullshit. Very disturbing information.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Spanish Interview with Clif High with Translator (12 YouTube videos)


It is obvious that Clif understands Spanish - however, his responses are then translated. This was done sometime prior to his latest ALTA report. If you can handle the translations ... was a good interview.
(Clif comes on about 2 minutes into 1st video)
En entrevista Cliff High con las predicciones del Webbot por La Mejor FM parte 1
Selecciona mas videos de 888squall para ver las partes siguientes

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

10-4-09 Clif high on Red Ice Radio

Here is the complete show with Clif on Red Ice Radio.

To play or download:

Backup download:

Saturday, October 3, 2009

10-2 Clif High on Badlands Radio


Link to either play or download it:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

9-29-09 Clif High Interview on CPN

Here is todays interview with Tom Brush on CPN Live.

For direct download: (Right-click on link and select "Save link/target as...)

For playing or downloading;
NOTE: You need to have flash enabled on your browser in order to play the mp3s.

And the old standby;

9-29-09 Clif High interview on OneRadio mp3 download links

Here is todays interview with Patrick Timpone at One Radio Network.

For direct download:

For playing or downloading;
NOTE: You need to have flash enabled on your browser in order to play the mp3s.

And the old standby;

Saturday, September 26, 2009

9-25-09 Friday | Clif HIgh Web Bot on NowThatsWeird.co.uk

(Last 30 min of interview - not the best beginning audio - archive will be up later)


NowThatsWeird.co.uk Home Page

Friday, September 25, 2009

9-24-09 Malitia Radio interview with Clif High


RELATED: Previous Malitia Radio Interview MP3
2009-08-05 (Guest: Clif High)


**Web bot Project Fan Channel YouTube


9-22-09 Clif High Interview on BTO radio:

September 18, 2009 Cliff High with Veritas Show:

September 17, 2009 - Clif High with Rense.com:

September 1, 2009 - Clif High (HalfPastHuman.com) Web Bot Interview
with Michael St. Clair:

1. http://api.ning.com/files/OuVAWy1SY-kUP-IrZ5n-UaJl5Wwe0upIf-ZLWMAAIzdQmqfs3HoyDlddvMbTKiF3IkC2bz6s1Xv2CJlUtb04j5kiuK5I74Qw/NibelungentalkwithClifHighpart1.mp3

2. http://api.ning.com/files/OuVAWy1SY-lCR5YnUi228Yzcc-3-kV6lrdlIUO0z9BRCANQp474w5hnf6gEDjwQ8DG1eSAMNFm*-TBfbQ9hDwHEIUtGjGMkm/NibelungentalkwithClifHighpart2.mp3

Archive of Sun 8-30-09 Clif High HalfPastHuman.com - Web Bot Interviews -

The Common Sense Show:
http://www.badongo.com/file/16911171 (good for 90 days)
YouTube Videos: Web Bot Project (7 videos)

Archive of Sat 8-29-09 Clif High HalfPastHuman.com (Web Bot) Interview - BBS Radio - Lance the Zany Mystic

http://rapidshare.com/files/273285631/clifhigh82909_Zany.MP3 or http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4IV3B5BN

August 13, 2009 Clif High interview on Rumormill News Radio:


August 11, 2009 Clif High interview on Beyond the Ordinary:
http://rapidshare.com/files/266316010/Clif.High.on.BTO-Radio.8-11-09.mp3 OR
YouTube Video (6 videos)

August 6, 2009 Clif High Webbot HalfPastHuman.com interview with Bruce at Freeman Radio 2hr mp3
or at
YouTube video (11 videos)

July 29th Journeys with Clif High on Rebecca radio (9 videos on YouTube)


July 21st CoasttoCoastAM inteview with Clif High & George Ure - Alta Report "Shape of Things to Come 2010" Volume Zero Issue 1 (12 videos)

RMR| Links to Tuesday night's July 21 - CoasttoCoastAM interview with Webbots Clif High & George Ure - links good for 7 days

Courtesy of: http://www.ksfo.com/Article.asp?id=534876

hour 1 http://bayradio.com/ksfo_archives/30000.mp3

hour 2 http://bayradio.com/ksfo_archives/30100.mp3

hour 3 http://bayradio.com/ksfo_archives/30200.mp3

Clif High's (HalfPastHuman.com) NEW July 20th Current Issue: Volume Zero, Issue One is now available for $10!
Cave Editor's Note: Just read it .... Clif was right as to how you need a strong stomach ..... will be reading it again and am sure again... LOTS to digest!

Conversations with Clif
Clif summarizes ALTA* Report, Pt.2:
*asymmetric language trend analysis (ALTA)

Archive: George Ure interview
BeyondTheOrdinary Radio
Tuesday, July 14


Clif High interview Rense Radio on Tuesday, July 14

MP3 of:Clif High Zac Turnage at Global Talk Radio (new show) Friday, July 10th:
Clif High's interview on BEYOND THE ORDINARY - July7th (Not the usual interview - more about crop circles than predictions)
Webbot Clif High on RBN - Common Sense show 07/05/09 YouTube - 7 Videos
Clif High | Web Bot P6 of "1309 Alta Report" 14 Videos
OneRadioNetwork.com | June 4, 2009 Interview with Clif High
Jay Weidner talk about web bot's Cliff High at the 2012 Conference
Clif High - Interview 6-18-09 with RAYELAN ALLAN RMR
Clif High with Capt Jack on Badlandsradio | 06/19/09 (4 YouTube Videos)
Clif High - OneRadioNetwork - Future Predictions, Economic Stability, Global Uncertainty, Wars, Religion & Life

2009.01-01 George Ure on C2C Ian Punnett's 2009 Predictions Special
2009.01-06 Clif High on Rense Radio
2009.01-13 Clif High on Beyond the Ordinary Radio
2009.01-17 Clif High on Journeys with Rebecca radio
2009.02-03 Clif High on Rense Radio
2009.02-14 Clif High on Journeys with Rebecca radio
2009.03-03 Clif High on Rense Radio
2009.03-04 George Ure on Rense Radio
2009.03-22 Clif High - Germany Conference call with Michael St.Clair
2009.03-31 Clif High on Beyond the Ordinary Radio
2009.04-04 Clif High on Journeys with Rebecca radio

2009.04-07 Clif High on Rense Radio
2009.04-14 George Ure on Beyond the Ordinary Radio
2009.04-25 Clif High on Journeys with Rebecca radio
2009.05-10 Clif High on The Veritas show
2009.05-15 Clif High on Rumor Mill News Radio
2009.05-17 Clif High on The Veritas show
2009.05-28 Clif High on Rense Radio
2009.06-02 Cliff High on The Nightwatch Show
2009.06-04 Clif High on One Radio Network
2009.06-08 Clif High on Earth Mysteries with Haines Ely

2009.06-18 Clif High on Rumor Mill News Radio
2009.06-19 Clif High on Paranormal Radio
2009.06-23 Clif High on Journeys with Rebecca radio
2009.07-05 Clif High on Republicbroadcasting.org
2009.07-07 Clif High on Beyond the Ordinary Radio
2009.07-10 Clif High on RepublicRadio
2009.07-14 Clif High on Rense Radio
2009.07-14 George Ure - Beyond the Ordinary Radio
2009.07-21 Clif & George on Coast to Coast

2009.07-28 Clif High on Journeys with Rebecca radio
2009.08-04 Clif High on Jeff Rense radio
2009.08-05 Clif High on Militia Radio
2009.08-11 Clif High on Beyond the Ordinary Radio
2009.08-13 Clif High on Rumor Mill News Radio
2009.08-29 Clif High on Zany Mystic's Fireside Chat.mp3
2009.08-30 Clif High on The Common Sense Show-RBN.mp3